Supporting Veteran causes with every stay, Learn More
Can I Join?
Save money. Support each other. Give back to the community.
Founded by Veterans who want to bring our military community together to support each other. Crewdogs connects
those looking for a place to stay with those who own or manage one. It’s as easy as Airbnb, but run by
Veterans and exclusively for the military community.
Discover a worldwide collection of cabins, beach houses, house boats, extra rooms or spaces, and more, All
exclusively owned or managed by the military community and patriots alike. Find discounted vacation rentals, per diem rates for
government travel, an extra room, or even free places and spaces.
ONLY members of the military community can book on Crewdogs
Secured by or a military email, Crewdogs verifies Active Duty, National Guard, Reserves, Pre-commissioned Officers, Veterans, Retirees, Military Spouses, Surviving Spouses, Immediate Military Family Members, Dependents, and Parents.
Host only access for Patriots
Non-military affiliated members can host the military community, offer a military discount, and select a Veteran cause to support with every booking.
At Maven, we’re all in on Crewdogs as an Airbnb alternative and look forward to supporting Folds of Honor with Crewdogs.
Used Crewdogs on my TDY and found a per diem friendly spot in no time using the filter. Easy messaging system got me in touch the owners within hours of my request.
His background as a veteran adds a layer of camaraderie and understanding, making him incredibly relatable and easy to converse with..
I was sent free shirts during my recent trip. My whole experience with Crewdogs has been great from the beginning and I will definitely be using them in the future.
Very responsive host. Experience has so far been fantastic:-)!!!! Thanks Crewdogs and our host.
Very easy and simple to use and connects the military from all over the world! Love this!
The host went above and beyond to accommodate our large group and even our pets, making our stay truly unforgettable.
I appreciate the simplicity of Crewdogs. Navigating around is a breeze, making a user-friendly experience.